How do I File a Personal Injury Claim for a Brain Injury?

After you or a loved one suffers from a traumatic brain injury, you and your family may face extreme medical, emotional, and financial stress. To alleviate some of these pressures, you may choose to file a personal injury claim to seek compensation from the party responsible for your injury.

Filing Your Claim

Before filing, be sure to do the following:

  1. Consult your physician regarding the current and future treatment of your brain injury
  2. Let your physician know that you plan on filing a personal injury claim
  3. Get copies of any medical records related to the injury that may help to prove the severity of your condition.

Personal Injury Attorney

Because brain injuries often result in the permanent loss of function and require ongoing care, personal injury claims based on brain injuries can be complicated. An attorney will know how to handle your claim correctly so that you receive the compensation you deserve. It is also recommended that you consult with an attorney to help you prepare the demand letter that will be sent to the insurance company of the liable party. The demand letter outlines the circumstances leading up to the injury, the medical details relating to the injury, and the compensation you are requesting.

When Should the Personal Injury Claim Be Filed?

The best time to file a personal injury claim is after you have an idea of what your future medical expenses will be and how much permanent damage you have suffered. When calculating how much compensation to seek, consider the following:

  1. The cost of your existing medical bills
  2. The cost of any future medical bills
  3. Any lost wages you may have suffered
  4. Compensation for any loss of function
  5. Compensation for pain and suffering

The Importance of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney

An attorney can help simplify the process of filing a personal injury claim. The attorney will know when to file and how much compensation you are entitled to.