Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a serious injury to the head or brain that often requires extensive medical treatment and limits a person’s ability to perform activities of daily living. Bruising, swelling, or tearing of brain tissue can all be considered traumatic brain injuries.

Brain injuries are not always apparent right away. In cases where there is no obvious physical injury, there can often be trauma under the skin or within the brain. The most common signs of a traumatic brain injury are difficulty answering basic questions, sudden sleepiness, nausea, headache, or weakened muscles across one entire side of the body. If any of these symptoms appear following an injury or accident, it is important to seek quality medical care immediately.

A traumatic brain injury may seriously hinder the everyday functions of an individual. Depending on the severity of the injury, a person may not be able to work or even live on their own. Traumatic brain injuries may result in the need for long-term care.

If a traumatic brain injury is caused by the negligence or faulty equipment of another party, it may be possible to receive compensation for the injury and its effects. In order to prove the liability of another party in the event of a traumatic brain injury, an attorney must prove that the party in question was not exercising reasonable care.