San Francisco Whiplash Lawyer

Having a San Francisco whiplash lawyer handle your whiplash claim gives you the best chance of making a successful whiplash claim and receiving compensation for your injuries.

Living with a whiplash injury can be a frustrating experience as, not only can the treatment be quite expensive, you also need to use special equipment just to get a good night’s rest. Because of the difficulties a whiplash injury can bring, you should consult a San Francisco whiplash lawyer to know if you are eligible to file a claim against the person or party responsible for your injury.

Too often, whiplash injuries are the result of rear-end car collisions. What usually happens is a stationary or slow moving vehicle is blown from behind by another that is running at a high speed. More often than not, the occupant’s head is forcefully thrown from side to side due to the rear-end collision, causing the neck muscles to be damaged, causing a whiplash injury to occur.

The following are some of the symptoms that are commonly encountered by whiplash injured patients:
  • neck swelling
  • muscle spasms headaches vision problems (i.e. blurred vision) irritability back pain
When filing a whiplash claim, it is important to note these symptoms and how they affect your daily life. Knowing the impact of your whiplash injury on your day to day living is important in proving your case and in determining your compensation. Those who suffer a whiplash injury usually need a few weeks or months off work to recover. If this is the case, your San Francisco whiplash lawyer may include lost wages (current and future losses) as part of the damages you can recover in your claim.

Whiplash can cause continuing effects not only on your physical condition but also on your entire family’s quality of life as your injury is often followed by expensive treatment, regular visit to the doctor, lost productivity or absence of work and high medical bills. Hence, it is important to obtain full compensation in order to alleviate this financial burden. With the help of a San Francisco whiplash lawyer, you have a great chance of getting fair and maximum compensation. Most San Francisco whiplash lawyers are experienced in dealing with insurance companies. They also have in depth knowledge of the law surrounding whiplash claims in San Francisco and know what damages are recoverable in your claim.

For many individuals who have filed whiplash claims, having a San Francisco whiplash lawyer on their side all through the claim process was indispensable as they received fair compensation for their injuries. Claimants who are not represented by a San Francisco lawyer often lose their case or get compensation that is far lower than what a reputable lawyer can obtain for his client.

Enlisting the help of a San Francisco whiplash lawyer can only be of benefit to your claim. Therefore, if you have suffered a whiplash injury, you should go and speak with a San Francisco whiplash lawyer and have them evaluate your claim.

Please follow this link for more information on other areas of San Francisco Personal Injury