Hit and Run

Hit and Run

A hit and run accident is actually a criminal offense but in some instances, it can also be filed as a personal injury claim. The laws governing hit and run accidents vary from one state to the next. You must consult state legal statutes to know exactly what your local jurisdictional mandates are in regard to hit and run violations.

A hit and run accident is defined as an accident in which the driver of a vehicle hits a pedestrian, another vehicle, or property, and fails to stop following the accident. Even if no damage results from an accident, the driver is still required to stop.

If a pedestrian is struck, the driver must stop, offer assistance, and provide his or her name, address, contact information, and insurance details. The same is true if the accident involves another vehicle that is in operation.

An accident that involves a parked vehicle with no occupants, and accidents that involve some other form of property, can still be considered a hit and run accident in many cases. In some jurisdictions, a note left at the scene with the appropriate information for the driver is sufficient. In other areas, the driver must not only leave a note but must also inform the police of the accident. There are also some jurisdictions in which leaving the scene of the accident at all, even if a note is left or the police are contacted, can still count as a hit and run incident.

It is important to note that the admission of a driver that an accident occurred is not legally considered an admission of guilt for any injuries or damages which may have resulted from the accident.